a CL's Garage: coincidence

Thursday, January 11, 2007


after i bought some paper from the photocopying shop and was walking towards the com lab, bytez, i was thinking of how unlucky the year had been. 1stly, i used to have a PE lesson that was in the same time slot as her on mondays but the school changed the time table and now its gone. 2ndly, the classroom for most of my classes are fixed at TB32, the furthest end away from the her class' classroom. as i was approaching the bytez i met her, who was with 2 friends, and we walked past each other. as she approached, i said hi and she smiled. i dont know whether she was smiling coz she was talking to her friends but i hope its coz i said hi...
then i was like thinking: this has been the best day eversince school started...


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