Friday, May 19, 2006


we had the coppa stalia today. aerius only had one team- us and 06S13 made up over half the team lol.
i think the first match was the highlight. we won 8-0 =D. wei hong scored 5 goals out of the 8. during the 2nd half, i dribbled from mid field all the way to the penalty area and took a shot. too bad the keeper caught it. well at least it was a shot on target. after dat, rui chao also missed his chance of scoring a goal. he was standing in front of the goal post and the ball went to him. he kicked (or was it deflected?) the ball but it hit the post and went out. lol
after that match, we went on to win 1 more match but lost the 3rd match and qualified for the semi finals.
during the semi finals our team was up against the team from ignis... their team was really strong with thomas, haikal, etc. we lost dat match.
after dat, we were up against solaris (dunno A or B) and we won dat game to become 3rd. not bad la 3rd- got chocolate.

after coppa stalia, me, rui chao, yan zhi, chee kian, jason and kangyu went to help out with the setting up of our funtasia stall. den gabriel came along.

we (adeline, debbie, yi feng, xinying, hwee shan, wei ting, melissa, queenie, yueh hsin) set up till quite late... at about 9:30pm, queenie and yueh hsin went off while the rest of us went to KAP.

it was very crowded at KAP but we managed to find our seats. halfway through eating, the girls suggested dat we have a bonding session... so kangyu, chee kian, jason, rui chao moved to the other table while wei ting, yi feng, hwee shan came over to over our table- nooooooo the fries lol (kangyu moved over together the fries)
we tok cok while we ate and den after finishing our food, we had some interactive games.
adeline said chilli+curry+coke= exothermic rxn and told us to feel the heat. at first 4 pple put their hands there to try feel the heat. den they suddenly withdrew their hand. i dunno why but i put my hand there after they withdrew lol. den adeline smacked and my hand n yan zhi's hand were covered with the sauces lol. chee kian ah... he tricked himself XD. he put chilli sauce on his own tray and put his hand over it. adeline saw the opportunity and smacked. chee kian ended up with a dirtied hand as well lol.
after dat, yi feng tried a trick on me. she told me to put my hands flat on the table and she put a cup of tap water on my left hand and a cup of coke on my right hand. at first i was balancing the cups rather well... but the cup on my left hand suddenly lost balance. den the cup on my right hand also lost balance lol. dunno wad happened but the cup of coke was spilled while the cup of plain water was alright LOL. after dat, i tried to balance the cup of water on my right hand but while doing it, yan zhi tickled me and i spilled the water. u should have seen how jason reacted XD. we didnt have tissue so i went to the toilet to take some to clean up the mess. den debbie and yi feng took pictures of me- with the tissue (a big pile of it). lol
den somebody (forgot who) asked me to try balance two cups of ice. they wanted to leave me stranded but i flipped the cups up and caught them. then everyone asked for an encore and yi feng wanted to video it. dis time, when i tossed them up, yan zhi ticked me. so i couldnt catch the cups well and a few ice cubes flew out.
because we had some leftover fries, jason asked me to try the throwing-catching act with fries boxes (with fries included) dis time. so i tried and i succeeded lol. after dat, we went home.

i overslept on the bus i took... luckily hong ern was on the same bus as me. or else ah no one wake me up and i sleep sleep till dunno where lo lol.
when i reached home, i found a letter dat TCC sent me. it told me dat i will get to receive the MDIS-TCC bursary award. woot! not bad can get money =)


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