a CL's Garage: IT'S SHOWTIME!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006


after only practising for 3 times yesterday, we went over to mediacorp today at 9:30am for the preshow rehearsals. the backstage area was damn cold lor... after the performance ended at 10+pm and we moved our props up, there were water droplets on our props lol. anyway back to the main story.

during the 1st full dress rehearsal, the producers (not the actual judges) gave us a 18.6 out of 30. they commented that our performace had a great improvement from the one we showed them on monday. but our score was the lowest at that time. i was sorta disappointed and afraid dat we would disgrace ourselves on tv with dat kinda low score for the actual thing.

during the 2nd full dress rehearsal, the producers gave us a 20.3 out of 30. i was a bit more relieved coz it was at least around a 66/100 but i hoped we could do better and do ourselves and the school proud.

as for the 3rd full dress rehearsal, i didnt get to see our score.

after dat, it was preparation time for the real thing. han ern, kangyu, wei yi, chee kian and i saw kym ng in the dressing room where a make-up artist was putting on the make up for her. guo liang was standing next to her talking on his hp. surprisingly, his english sounded rather proficient! anyway, kym ng talked to us and asked us stuff like why we joined the open category, etc

den at around 7+pm, it was time for han ern and kangyu to go for their make-up. when they came back, they looked damn funny! han ern looked like a dork (esp with glasses on) while kangyu looked like a 70's mafia boss... kangyu felt dat he was going for "MALU TIME!" instead of ShowTime lol.

anyway, when the show started, group 2 cocked up for their opening speech, followed by group 3. as a result, we had to repeat our opening speech 3 times -_-...
after dat, we had to run like the wind to get ready for our performance behind the stage.

during our performance, there was a bit of a cock up in the mirror part of the performance coz the black cloth fell off. luckily the judges didnt seem to notice lol.

after our performance, we stood together and received comments from the panel of 3 judges and they were praising us for our good performance =)
in the end we got 26.5 out of 30 pts!! woot! its not bad... considering we prepared like 90% of our performance in 3 days.

after our performance, when we were watching the others' performances via a tv in the backstage, kangyu told me the make-up artist literally dug into the hair gel with a comb, smacked the whole pile of gel onto his hair and combed his hair with the gel. i touched his hair and it really was rock hard...

when i was watching group 3's performance, i really admired them for their wonderful performance. u can say dat they beat us hands down and i feel dat they deserved to get a virtually perfect score of 29.1!

in the end our score was the 2nd highest dat day, with group 3 topping the charts with an imba 29.1, and our group can definitely say dat we have done ourselves and the school proud.

i think this past few days has really been like mission impossible... it seemed impossible but we managed to do it in the end =)

i think i gotta thank all the group members for their dedication and their time spent working on our showtime performance in the past few weeks, especially a group of people who stayed the longest every day and contributed the most and also the people who decided to help us out when we were having trouble in the last minutes of our preparation.

now i cant wait for the episode to be aired on channel 8 on 1 Aug 8pm ard 2 weeks later.

(post was made at 1am, Sat 22 Jul 2006)


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