a CL's Garage: mission impossible day 3 of 3

Thursday, July 20, 2006

mission impossible day 3 of 3

the final day for our showtime preparations...

today, other den both mr koh and miss ng, some hod pple together with a female teacher appeared. one of them was the maths lecturer for integration lol

today, like yesterday, we were often stuck at the tv/mirror part of the performance in the beginning. when mr koh, arrived, we told him about the changes to our plot and he was a bit annoyed because we decided not to do some of the stuff he suggested and changed them to something dat was similar to our previous ideas.

den, mr koh wanted us to rehearse the finale part with the music he prepared yesterday. he felt dat we needed to practise on it since he made the music such dat it was perfectly timed and the finale of our performance had to be choreographed according to the finale music.

after 2 rehearsals, the female teacher (who i have nvr seen before) suggested dat we cover a part of the "blanket" with black cloth to make it look as if the "blanket" was in mid air. some of us made the blanket better while others made the final preparations for the props they were in charge of.

in the end, we managed to have 3 full rehearsals, make final preparations to our props and dat was it. we went home after dat. didnt know it was already so late when we left the InE hub- it was 10:15pm when i checked my hp.

haiz... dunno if we are really ready for tml... =(


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