a CL's Garage: FUNTASIA 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006


our class funtasia stall was a success!! 06s13 is the civics class dat raised the most money- $4954!!, among all the civics classes.

our class sorta had two stalls- one selling ice cream and the other pizza. well, i was in charge of selling and cutting pizzas. they were in extremely popular demand as the crowd continually visited our stall. as a result, we constantly ran out of ready and cooked pizzas for sale because we couldnt keep up with the demand at the pace we were cooking the pizzas at. i think the most memorable moment was when a lady came to buy 10 boxes of frozen pizzas (in the boxes) from our stall. she paid $120 for pizzas dat she could have bought at ntuc at much cheaper prices... wow lol.
the deluxe cheese flavoured pizza was very very popular and it was the first to sell out at around 12nn. after that, the hawaiian pizzas sold out at around 2+pm. by that time, we only had less than 15 pizzas left. h
owever, i had to leave the stall for church at around dat time so i wasnt able to stay and witness the pizzas being sold out. anyway, i came back at around 5pm and i helped with the packing up of the stall. i asked wad happened in my absence and the rest told me dat we sold out our pizzas by around 3pm =) den jason told me dat there was dis man who paid generously for our ice cream lol. he came and paid $20 for one scoop of ice cream, saying dat ice cream is fattening. after dat, he came back and paid $20 again for another scoop of ice cream. i wonder where his money comes from lol. den xinying asked me to help her carry the bamboo poles back to her grandma's house. so i went to help her and we went back to njc after dat.
the remaining people decided to celebrate by drinking some apple juice. meanwhile, we (the boys) watched the videos dat fanyi took on his notebook. he showed us the short film dat he made for submission to MOE. in the middle of it, he included something DAMN FUNNY! it was a video of yan zhi showing a soccer betting ticket (betted $10 dat barca will win arsenal, odds 1.5:1) from the singapore pools. he took out the ticket and posed smugly with it, with a great big grin! everyone watching it laughed becoz the film was submitted to MOE!- and yan zhi posed proudly with the betting ticket!-to MOE!-student+bettting ticket!- LOL
after dat, everyone tried to decide on a place to have dinner. i suggested xi hu xiao chi and we ended up there in the end. when we arrived, we ordered 4 medium dishes. it took really really long for each dish to come up so we had lots of time in the mean time. sometimes adeline gave some reflection speeches and at other times we played some games. when first dish finally came, we gobbled everything up within a minute or so. some of the games we played after dat included filling the glass with water (if it overflows, the person loses). after the first 4 dishes, everyone still didnt feel satisfied, so we went on to order two more dishes- large ones. this time, adeline suggested dat we play an elimination version of zhong ji mi ma. adeline, yi feng and i ended up as the sole 3 "survivors" of the elimination, and i ended up beating adeline in the end=) den she gave me the magic ball toy dat we originally bought so dat we could give it out during funtasia.
the day ended well and everyone bid their farewells as we left for home after the dinner =)


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