a CL's Garage: sapphire gn part 2

Monday, July 24, 2006

sapphire gn part 2

"Note: this is the missing part in the Sunday 23 July 2006 blog entry-> sapphire gn part 1"

(details of the conversation between the boy on the street and "Miss Sapphire Gn" disclosed)

at first she asked me if i knew a person called Yu Lan. i didnt so i told her i didnt. then... (sorry the interviewer was daydreaming and didnt take down this part)

then she asked me who were the "CorpMedia" people i had been contacting all this time regarding the "TimeShow" stuff. so i told her.

here comes the long complicated part. she asked angrily who had been the leader of our showtime grp, and i told her honestly dat it was me.
she asked me about the details of the contract "Mr Hok" signed with the "CorpMedia" pple. "Mr Hok" never showed my group the contract nor told us anything regarding it. "Mdm NooW" also didnt tell us anything. i only heard from the "CorpMedia" people who came to shoot our preparation dat those people who appeared on that day CANNOT quit "TimeShow" no matter what unless our group gets knocked out. so i just told Miss Gn wad i knew. she wasnt satisfied continued asking me the details of the contract. i was like... wth... how am i supposed to know?! shouldnt she ask "Mr Hok" or something?! bye la...
when i was unable to give her the full details, Miss Gn talked to me in a tone dat sounded like she was scolding me. but im not sure if she was really scolding me. she told me she was one of the teachers in charge and "Mdm Noow" was never the teacher in charge. i was like... how the hell am i supposed to know?! u nvr appeared to talk to our grp regarding "TimeShow" until 5 days ago when the school started getting concerned about it. she seemed more like a teacher helping out at the last moment coz our group was having problems in the last 4 days before our "TimeShow" performace which was gonna be aired on national tv. moreover, "Mdm Noow" was the teacher who was most involved in the progress of our "TimeShow" preparations. "Mdm Noow" was also the one who took me to "CorpMedia" and was the only teacher who appeared when the "CorpMedia" pple came to shoot our preparations.
den after that she continued by saying there has been communication problems... and it sounded to me dat she was trying to imply dat i was my fault for the communication problems; dat i was a lousy leader. yea i admit i was lousy coz im inexperienced. but shouldnt the teachers be the ones to tell us who are the actual teachers in charge and tell us clearly the details of admin stuff dat they know?! how come its supposed to be my fault?!
anyway, so i told "Miss Gn" dat i was under the impression dat "Mdm Noow" and "Mr Hok" were the teachers in charge. and she said, "im holding u to ur word dat u were under the impression dat 'Mdm Noow' and 'Mr Hok' were the teachers in charge." it seemed as if she was a police officer interrogating a criminal... at dis pt i was starting to get annoyed by her harsh tone dat made me feel dat she didnt trust me and felt dat i was a liar.
den it got even worse. she wanted to meet me tml (time of conversation= sunday, tml= monday). i thought: ok fine, i can meet u tml to clear things up. so i asked her when she wanted to meet me, "do u want to meet me after school or during my break?" then she totally pissed me off by saying: "u'd better keep your phone on and answer my call immediately when i call you. and u'd better rush down immediately as and when i want to see u. dont expect me to be waiting for u to reply to my call or to come down and meet me." it was so damn rude and inconsiderate. it was like WTF?! who the F**K do u think u are?! AM I YOUR SERVANT?! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE AT YOUR BECK AND CALL?! WTF HAVE I DONE WRONG?! is it my fault for the communication problems?! zzz...
before we ended the call... she said, "u'd better not disclose any part of the conversation to 'Mr Hok!'" i made a big mistake by agreeing coz i didnt ask her for the reason and at dat moment, i forgot dat "Mr Hok" was the highest authority as the overall teacher in charge... zzz. after i agreed, i was like wondering why she has to make it so mysterious such dat she has to hide it from "Mr Hok"...


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