a CL's Garage: May 2006

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

hols day 5

went to school today for physics lecture... but slept through it.

den i went with rui chao to buy the chem tys and photocopy some stuff. the photocopying shop was closed so we went to the library. and so zhun... i met her at the library entrance. but i didnt know wad to do... so bo bian go inside the library's photocopying machines. den so zhun again- she also went to photocopy stuff and she used the photocopying machine next to mine. budden i dunno wad to do again... sian...
i asked rui chao if he wanted to study in the library but he didnt want to. so liddat i went out of the library (sian...). den i met pek boon at the canteen. i asked him if he wanted to study in the library. he looked for yi hong (dunno why) den tok tok till yi hong went for his pw tutorial. haiz... den when we finally was reaching the library entrance, i saw her walking in the direction of the bookshop. she left the library... missed the chance to study with her- sian...

den we studied till 11+am and went to eat lunch. den i went to self-practise hockey. den went home. but... went i reached home, i discovered i didnt bring key and nobody was at home- zzz. so i slept beside the door and waited for someone to open the door. slept from 1+ to 2, saw nobody so sleep again...till around 4 den my grandma finally came home. my butt and feet felt a bit sore coz the ground was hard and i slept there for about 3 hours lol.

after dat went for hockey. met john for the 1st time. i think hes quite good coz hes a team player, makes passes very well and is rather skillful as well.

den went home... at around 10+, just as i was going to sleep, so zhun she came online!! its been ages since she last came online so i chatted with her till about 11+ (just now) when she had to go offline. haiz if only we could chat longer...

Monday, May 29, 2006

X-Men 3...

had chem spa today. sorta lagged behind coz i did my experiment very very slowly lol. in the end had to pia finish the calculations in the last 10minutes lol. but i think the spa was rather easy lol.

den i went to watch x-men 3 at marina square with rui chao, chee kian n yan zhi. i think the movie was rather plain with quite a lot of inconsistencies...
i thought that angel would be joining in the fight coz he was suit up in the x-men posters. it was quite a let down- the only thing he did was to save his dad when he fell off the building and u dont see him for the rest of the movie...
jean grey's telekenesis was portrayed to be extremely strong in the beginning when she killed professor x. the entire building levitated while wolverine was stuck to the ceiling and could only move by stabbing his claws into the ceiling and pulling himself. but towards the end, before he killed jean, he was able to stand firm to the ground though everything else was lifted (including the water from the surrounding sea).
den i think the story was slightly dumb as well... if jean was so damn powerful, why did magneto even need an army. he just needed jean. the dumbest thing is, this time he needed an army just to storm a building... -_- couldnt he have used jean or something? and magneto could have also asked jean to kill the boy from where she stood instead of sending juggernaut...
dats not all... the screen time of the main mutants battling is so little dat i think that the action wasnt enough.
btw, if u ever wonder why the doctor called out "Charles" to the patient, its probably coz professor x transfered his consciousness to that coma patient using his powers. (remember he was asking the mutants whether it was ethical to transfer someone's consciousness into a coma patient's body?)

the cinema was very cold lol. after we crossed the road, when chee kian opened his bag and put his hand in it, it felt like air con lol. after dat, the rest went home while i went to collect my hgif evangelion sets 1n2. they are very rare but i managed to get the authentic ones for only $35!! though they were displayed before, i feel dat im very lucky to even be able to find them (very good condition somemore) ... and even luckier to get them only at $35 =D

anyway, there dis funny video of a uncle picking an arguement with another guy on the bus for a very stupid reason- the guy tapped the uncle's shoulder to tell him he was loud. lol

Sunday, May 28, 2006

2 days gone n nothing done

list of things to do for holidays:
1. study for tml's chem spa (status: havent started)
2. find and collect figures im missing... haiz its so hard to find the autographing lacus (status: no luck...)
3. study physics (status: havent started)
5. study chem (status: havent started)
5. study maths (status: havent started)
6. study econs (status: havent started)
7. finish surveys n interviews for pw (status: havent started)
8. play hockey better (status: unknown)
9. become fitter (status: unknown)
10. play soccer better (status: unknown)
11. play basketball better (status: unknown)
12. have a better template for my blog (status: havent started)
13. grow taller (status: unknown)
14. become smarter (status: unknown)
15. tok cock less (status: having problems with initiation)
16. slack less (status: having A LOT of problems with initiation)
17. sleep earlier (status: unknown)

the 1st two days of the holidays has passed... but nothing on dat long list of things to do have been done... hope i dont slack through dis holidays lol like ive been doing for the past 16 years of my life. ive got lots of catching up to do since ive been slacking for the past 6 months... feeling sleepy now... zzz

Saturday, May 27, 2006

dell hard drive busted

... the dell hard drive had a blue screen error while i was transferring data from my backup hard drive... den when i tried to boot up again, some windows files were missing- !@#$%.

now gotta use backup hard drive zzz

bye bye fanyi

ok...just finished reformatting my hard disk hope nothing will go wrong...
my hard disk failed on wednesday... windows got corrupted for no reason zzz.

yesterday was the last day miss lau taught our class. the whole class wrote stuff in a stetchbook and gave it to miss lau. we also took some pics...

anyway, today we (me, rui chao, jason, kangyu, chee kian, yan zhi, gabriel, melissa) went to send fanyi off. i arrived late, so after i came we decided to take a pic. we all wanted to find someone to help take it for us... but i think the rest were a bit shy so i took the camera and asked a person, who was queueing up to check in, to help us. and den fanyi went to check in.
(pic not available yet...)

after dat, we went to burger king to eat. den we went home. well... the rest went home (i think). i went to collect my 1/100 justice gundam

its a 1st ed one so it has a limited edition stand included. now, im waiting for the 1st ed 1/100 legend gundam to come out next month so dat i will have all 4 of the gsd gundams: destiny, strike freedom, infinite justice, legend.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


woot! i found an authentic bleach characters set 2 for only $55!! (the two other places dat i know are selling the figures are selling the set at $100!!) dats saving $45!! =D not only that, the figures are unopened and new.
not only dat, i also managed to find gundam seed destiny ef set 1 =) after being the so many places, its the first ever gsd ef 1 set i have ever seen.
so lucky today lol =)

Saturday, May 20, 2006


our class funtasia stall was a success!! 06s13 is the civics class dat raised the most money- $4954!!, among all the civics classes.

our class sorta had two stalls- one selling ice cream and the other pizza. well, i was in charge of selling and cutting pizzas. they were in extremely popular demand as the crowd continually visited our stall. as a result, we constantly ran out of ready and cooked pizzas for sale because we couldnt keep up with the demand at the pace we were cooking the pizzas at. i think the most memorable moment was when a lady came to buy 10 boxes of frozen pizzas (in the boxes) from our stall. she paid $120 for pizzas dat she could have bought at ntuc at much cheaper prices... wow lol.
the deluxe cheese flavoured pizza was very very popular and it was the first to sell out at around 12nn. after that, the hawaiian pizzas sold out at around 2+pm. by that time, we only had less than 15 pizzas left. h
owever, i had to leave the stall for church at around dat time so i wasnt able to stay and witness the pizzas being sold out. anyway, i came back at around 5pm and i helped with the packing up of the stall. i asked wad happened in my absence and the rest told me dat we sold out our pizzas by around 3pm =) den jason told me dat there was dis man who paid generously for our ice cream lol. he came and paid $20 for one scoop of ice cream, saying dat ice cream is fattening. after dat, he came back and paid $20 again for another scoop of ice cream. i wonder where his money comes from lol. den xinying asked me to help her carry the bamboo poles back to her grandma's house. so i went to help her and we went back to njc after dat.
the remaining people decided to celebrate by drinking some apple juice. meanwhile, we (the boys) watched the videos dat fanyi took on his notebook. he showed us the short film dat he made for submission to MOE. in the middle of it, he included something DAMN FUNNY! it was a video of yan zhi showing a soccer betting ticket (betted $10 dat barca will win arsenal, odds 1.5:1) from the singapore pools. he took out the ticket and posed smugly with it, with a great big grin! everyone watching it laughed becoz the film was submitted to MOE!- and yan zhi posed proudly with the betting ticket!-to MOE!-student+bettting ticket!- LOL
after dat, everyone tried to decide on a place to have dinner. i suggested xi hu xiao chi and we ended up there in the end. when we arrived, we ordered 4 medium dishes. it took really really long for each dish to come up so we had lots of time in the mean time. sometimes adeline gave some reflection speeches and at other times we played some games. when first dish finally came, we gobbled everything up within a minute or so. some of the games we played after dat included filling the glass with water (if it overflows, the person loses). after the first 4 dishes, everyone still didnt feel satisfied, so we went on to order two more dishes- large ones. this time, adeline suggested dat we play an elimination version of zhong ji mi ma. adeline, yi feng and i ended up as the sole 3 "survivors" of the elimination, and i ended up beating adeline in the end=) den she gave me the magic ball toy dat we originally bought so dat we could give it out during funtasia.
the day ended well and everyone bid their farewells as we left for home after the dinner =)

Friday, May 19, 2006


we had the coppa stalia today. aerius only had one team- us and 06S13 made up over half the team lol.
i think the first match was the highlight. we won 8-0 =D. wei hong scored 5 goals out of the 8. during the 2nd half, i dribbled from mid field all the way to the penalty area and took a shot. too bad the keeper caught it. well at least it was a shot on target. after dat, rui chao also missed his chance of scoring a goal. he was standing in front of the goal post and the ball went to him. he kicked (or was it deflected?) the ball but it hit the post and went out. lol
after that match, we went on to win 1 more match but lost the 3rd match and qualified for the semi finals.
during the semi finals our team was up against the team from ignis... their team was really strong with thomas, haikal, etc. we lost dat match.
after dat, we were up against solaris (dunno A or B) and we won dat game to become 3rd. not bad la 3rd- got chocolate.

after coppa stalia, me, rui chao, yan zhi, chee kian, jason and kangyu went to help out with the setting up of our funtasia stall. den gabriel came along.

we (adeline, debbie, yi feng, xinying, hwee shan, wei ting, melissa, queenie, yueh hsin) set up till quite late... at about 9:30pm, queenie and yueh hsin went off while the rest of us went to KAP.

it was very crowded at KAP but we managed to find our seats. halfway through eating, the girls suggested dat we have a bonding session... so kangyu, chee kian, jason, rui chao moved to the other table while wei ting, yi feng, hwee shan came over to over our table- nooooooo the fries lol (kangyu moved over together the fries)
we tok cok while we ate and den after finishing our food, we had some interactive games.
adeline said chilli+curry+coke= exothermic rxn and told us to feel the heat. at first 4 pple put their hands there to try feel the heat. den they suddenly withdrew their hand. i dunno why but i put my hand there after they withdrew lol. den adeline smacked and my hand n yan zhi's hand were covered with the sauces lol. chee kian ah... he tricked himself XD. he put chilli sauce on his own tray and put his hand over it. adeline saw the opportunity and smacked. chee kian ended up with a dirtied hand as well lol.
after dat, yi feng tried a trick on me. she told me to put my hands flat on the table and she put a cup of tap water on my left hand and a cup of coke on my right hand. at first i was balancing the cups rather well... but the cup on my left hand suddenly lost balance. den the cup on my right hand also lost balance lol. dunno wad happened but the cup of coke was spilled while the cup of plain water was alright LOL. after dat, i tried to balance the cup of water on my right hand but while doing it, yan zhi tickled me and i spilled the water. u should have seen how jason reacted XD. we didnt have tissue so i went to the toilet to take some to clean up the mess. den debbie and yi feng took pictures of me- with the tissue (a big pile of it). lol
den somebody (forgot who) asked me to try balance two cups of ice. they wanted to leave me stranded but i flipped the cups up and caught them. then everyone asked for an encore and yi feng wanted to video it. dis time, when i tossed them up, yan zhi ticked me. so i couldnt catch the cups well and a few ice cubes flew out.
because we had some leftover fries, jason asked me to try the throwing-catching act with fries boxes (with fries included) dis time. so i tried and i succeeded lol. after dat, we went home.

i overslept on the bus i took... luckily hong ern was on the same bus as me. or else ah no one wake me up and i sleep sleep till dunno where lo lol.
when i reached home, i found a letter dat TCC sent me. it told me dat i will get to receive the MDIS-TCC bursary award. woot! not bad can get money =)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

bootleg figures in comics connection

i happened to go to shopping centres with comic connection in them while buying my bag and stuff and i went into them to take a look at the figures they were selling.
a few comic connection shops dat i went to sold bleach trading sets 1 n 2... AND they were priced at $25.90!! at first i was amazed but i wondered how come comics connection sold them at such cheap prices. i also noticed something wrong. the faces of the characters didnt exactly look right and the paint at the figures' shoes and socks were not well done. seeing dat the sets were too cheap to be true, i decided not to buy them before i confirmed something.
i also saw some other gashapon sets dat were quite hard to find being sold there. but some of them looked awfully done so i decided to play safe and not buy any at all coz they may all be bootlegs. there was one inuyasha set dat was being sold at the far east shopping centre comics connection. it resembled the gashapon inuyasha set 3 but it looked totally awful and out of shape- the colour was off and the moulds were bad... lol
on my way back home, i decided to check out the place selling the bleach trading sets @ $100+ and ask the shop owner whether the comics connections were selling bootlegs. he told me dat the bootlegs have black supports for the legs (not toking abt the base) while the authentic ones have colourless supports for the legs.
i dont think i'll ever trust comic connection or buy figures from them coz they stock up so much bootlegs.

Monday, May 15, 2006


today is a monday and it was rather eventful.
in the morning the lt5 air con so damn cold la... i think is the OM trying to take revenge coz last wednesday we complain complain complain. maybe they intend to freeze us to death... or give us brain freeze... lol (toking cok)
den today the econs tutorial quite fun. lucky today is miss heng, den the lesson so lively lol. her lesson quite interesting den the time pass so fast. but tml is... -_- sian. i think i gg tml...
den when i came home, there was a miracle! my com became ok for no reason. last sat my com cannot detect my hd + cannot repair the windows... but i didnt wanna reformat coz i already reformatted my com more den 7 times within the last 2 months. so i heck. den today my com came alive again! haha. budden i think the hd still got prob one... so better use it as much as possible while i still can.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

HGIF Gundam Seed Destiny Set 4

got my hgif gsd set 4 today... but its missing the autographing lacus -_- the shop keeper compensated me with another figurine... oh well
i also managed to find bleach trading sets 1 n 2 BUT set 1 is @ $120 -_- and set 2 is @ $100... if i buy them, then im gonna be broke and i wun be able to buy other sets. lets just hope others dun buy them off before i do lol.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

gate got mosquito! lol

today ah, the whole school had a feedback session with the principal in the hall.
after she tok finish about wad funtasia and some ulu ulu things, it was time for students to go up to the mic and give feedback
den got dis girl tok about grandstand got a lot of mosquito... and i remembered the time when i climbed the gate on the left of the grandstand

it was a saturday. feb... shld be 11. after i climbed past the 1st gate, i reached the 2nd one.
so i tot i shld try climbing over it coz i already climbed over the 1st. when i managed to climb to the top, i tried to think of the way to get to the other side coz the spikes at the top were really long.
while thinking, i noticed dat the top of the pole of the gate got a hole and inside got water. i saw some black black thing inside.
i was wondering wad it was so i looked closely... the black black things were moving. when i looked up close, i saw them... they were mosquito larva. dat was the 1st time i saw a real life mosquito larva up close lol.
i thought... no wonder la. whenever we train at the semi-d there always kena mosquito bite. its all because got one bloody kns mosquito breeding ground right beside us.

btw i wonder ah... the gahmen got check people's houses and fine those who keep stagnant water one right? budden hor... how come they nvr come njc check and fine us?

anyway, after i remembered about this mosquito breeding gate, i decided to give feedback on it. or else one day ah... the gate breed so many mosquitoes dat they need a lot of food and all come sting everyone. den ah everyone will die from swarms of mosquitoes stinging them.
so i walked to the mic and tok lor. den the principal ask how i know. so i tell her i climbed the gate. den she told us dat the gates actually have cctv one... and she even saw girls wearing skirts climbing over the gates lol. meanwhile, everyone in the hall laughed lol.