a CL's Garage: 2 days gone n nothing done

Sunday, May 28, 2006

2 days gone n nothing done

list of things to do for holidays:
1. study for tml's chem spa (status: havent started)
2. find and collect figures im missing... haiz its so hard to find the autographing lacus (status: no luck...)
3. study physics (status: havent started)
5. study chem (status: havent started)
5. study maths (status: havent started)
6. study econs (status: havent started)
7. finish surveys n interviews for pw (status: havent started)
8. play hockey better (status: unknown)
9. become fitter (status: unknown)
10. play soccer better (status: unknown)
11. play basketball better (status: unknown)
12. have a better template for my blog (status: havent started)
13. grow taller (status: unknown)
14. become smarter (status: unknown)
15. tok cock less (status: having problems with initiation)
16. slack less (status: having A LOT of problems with initiation)
17. sleep earlier (status: unknown)

the 1st two days of the holidays has passed... but nothing on dat long list of things to do have been done... hope i dont slack through dis holidays lol like ive been doing for the past 16 years of my life. ive got lots of catching up to do since ive been slacking for the past 6 months... feeling sleepy now... zzz


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