a CL's Garage: July 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

"inter-national kindergarten"

this is a persistently non-political blog entry. any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purely conincidential.

one fine day, little miss apple, little miss bee, little miss cloud, sleepy jr and spikey jr went to their kindergarten, which was called the inter-national kindergarten, as usual. after their lessons were over, there was a sand castle building project work and these 5 little kids were randomly put together in a team, called 095. their supervising teacher was miss thin.
30 minutes were given to the little kiddies to plan how they wanted to build their sand castles and then 1 hour was given for them to build the castles.
team 095 did not plan properly during the 30 minutes and had problems building the sand castle. when it was 31 minutes, 7 seconds and 6 milliseconds (31:07:06) into the competition, they decided to seek the help of miss thin.
however, spikey jr had a stomachache and went to the toilet. sleepy jr went over to a corner and took an afternoon nap. little miss bee was too engrossed in trying to catch a fluttering butterfly. little miss cloud was MIA. so little miss apple went to approach miss thin alone.
after 10 minutes, spikey jr was done with his business and went over to help little miss apple in her discussion with miss thin. halfway thru the discussion, spikey jr was too exhausted and fell asleep. miss thin scolded spikey jr as if he deserved it though he bothered to contribute in the discussion and didnt really intend to sleep. he was just too exhausted...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

gahmen ah peh toks cock

today a gahmen ah peh came to tok cock in our sch. it was supposed to be a session to enrich us and clear whatever doubts we had on the gahmen stuff. however, whenever the students asked him questions, he just went round and round in circles and shot back loads of bull to confuse everyone and avoid the question.
the questions we asked included:
the intergrated resort casino and its negative effects.
the james gomez incident.
(forgot the rest)

no wonder he managed to stay in the gahmen so long. so hiong in giving bull sia.... hiong until the people cannot ta han and accept wad ever cock he tok.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Showtime ep 6

watched showtime ep6 today. this is the 2nd ep for the open category.

after watching it, i was like... "uh... ok... some of the school category performances were much much better than those shown today..."

the best score today was 24.7 (S1). In the episode shot last friday, which we performed in and is gonna be shown next tues, the group with the 3rd highest score got around 24.7 lol.

i also noticed dat brian wong seems to be gaving 9.x out of 10 for almost every open category group. he also did it today, even though there was like a vast difference in scores given by the other judges- they were like giving around 5-7 points.
brian's 9.0 points seems to be equivalent to my idea of zero. i think hes being nice to all the open category groups. dis is the open category after all- it wouldnt look good if the groups got points dat are too low right... so maybe brian is just trying to help the groups get at least 20 out of 30.

just watched the news... it was announced dat S1 and S3, which had the highest scores during the show, got thru to the next rnd. from what it seems... the 2 grps with the highest pts are most likely going to the next rnd- aka our grp will be likely to get thru since we scored the 2nd highest points, which is both good and bad news... (there goes my promos...)

IF we get thru, i wonder if we will be up against those groups dat won dis round. i hope we do.

Monday, July 24, 2006

sapphire gn part 2

"Note: this is the missing part in the Sunday 23 July 2006 blog entry-> sapphire gn part 1"

(details of the conversation between the boy on the street and "Miss Sapphire Gn" disclosed)

at first she asked me if i knew a person called Yu Lan. i didnt so i told her i didnt. then... (sorry the interviewer was daydreaming and didnt take down this part)

then she asked me who were the "CorpMedia" people i had been contacting all this time regarding the "TimeShow" stuff. so i told her.

here comes the long complicated part. she asked angrily who had been the leader of our showtime grp, and i told her honestly dat it was me.
she asked me about the details of the contract "Mr Hok" signed with the "CorpMedia" pple. "Mr Hok" never showed my group the contract nor told us anything regarding it. "Mdm NooW" also didnt tell us anything. i only heard from the "CorpMedia" people who came to shoot our preparation dat those people who appeared on that day CANNOT quit "TimeShow" no matter what unless our group gets knocked out. so i just told Miss Gn wad i knew. she wasnt satisfied continued asking me the details of the contract. i was like... wth... how am i supposed to know?! shouldnt she ask "Mr Hok" or something?! bye la...
when i was unable to give her the full details, Miss Gn talked to me in a tone dat sounded like she was scolding me. but im not sure if she was really scolding me. she told me she was one of the teachers in charge and "Mdm Noow" was never the teacher in charge. i was like... how the hell am i supposed to know?! u nvr appeared to talk to our grp regarding "TimeShow" until 5 days ago when the school started getting concerned about it. she seemed more like a teacher helping out at the last moment coz our group was having problems in the last 4 days before our "TimeShow" performace which was gonna be aired on national tv. moreover, "Mdm Noow" was the teacher who was most involved in the progress of our "TimeShow" preparations. "Mdm Noow" was also the one who took me to "CorpMedia" and was the only teacher who appeared when the "CorpMedia" pple came to shoot our preparations.
den after that she continued by saying there has been communication problems... and it sounded to me dat she was trying to imply dat i was my fault for the communication problems; dat i was a lousy leader. yea i admit i was lousy coz im inexperienced. but shouldnt the teachers be the ones to tell us who are the actual teachers in charge and tell us clearly the details of admin stuff dat they know?! how come its supposed to be my fault?!
anyway, so i told "Miss Gn" dat i was under the impression dat "Mdm Noow" and "Mr Hok" were the teachers in charge. and she said, "im holding u to ur word dat u were under the impression dat 'Mdm Noow' and 'Mr Hok' were the teachers in charge." it seemed as if she was a police officer interrogating a criminal... at dis pt i was starting to get annoyed by her harsh tone dat made me feel dat she didnt trust me and felt dat i was a liar.
den it got even worse. she wanted to meet me tml (time of conversation= sunday, tml= monday). i thought: ok fine, i can meet u tml to clear things up. so i asked her when she wanted to meet me, "do u want to meet me after school or during my break?" then she totally pissed me off by saying: "u'd better keep your phone on and answer my call immediately when i call you. and u'd better rush down immediately as and when i want to see u. dont expect me to be waiting for u to reply to my call or to come down and meet me." it was so damn rude and inconsiderate. it was like WTF?! who the F**K do u think u are?! AM I YOUR SERVANT?! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE AT YOUR BECK AND CALL?! WTF HAVE I DONE WRONG?! is it my fault for the communication problems?! zzz...
before we ended the call... she said, "u'd better not disclose any part of the conversation to 'Mr Hok!'" i made a big mistake by agreeing coz i didnt ask her for the reason and at dat moment, i forgot dat "Mr Hok" was the highest authority as the overall teacher in charge... zzz. after i agreed, i was like wondering why she has to make it so mysterious such dat she has to hide it from "Mr Hok"...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

sapphire gn part 1

this is a persistently non-political blog entry. any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purely conincidential.

one day, a boy on the street was interviewed on how he felt about Miss Saphhire Gn. he said...

at first i tot "Miss Sapphire Gn" was quite a nice person... she stayed with our group to help us with our "TimeShow" preparations since this tuesday though we stayed in school quite late each time. she even helped us buy dinner. i thought she was a dedicated teacher who was helpful and kind to her students.

but my impression of her gradually changed starting from wednesday.
when she decided dat there was gonna be no "separation" of the lead character, she didnt even bother to listen to my suggestion and said something like "no. stop it." to cut me off when i was suggesting a way to do the "separation". i know we were short on time... but just listening to a suggestion cant hurt right? i just cant help but feel dat she doesnt really like/trust me or something. =(
then on friday, which was the actual day for our "TimeShow" performance, she was talking to "Arbed" about her poor performance as the phantom. from wad i see, everyone was trying their best, even "Arbed". Miss Gn said something liddat... "i dont care if ur hands feel tired or u are unhappy with what im saying, but u better do it again and again until u get it." at dat time i thought it was a bit harsh on "Arbed" but i didnt think so much about it since it didnt happen to me.

today she called me. i couldnt receive her call at dat time so i cancelled her call. then i called her immediately when i was able to. i explained to her why i couldnt receive her call. the first thing she asked me was... (unable to disclose because she didnt want me to disclose anything from our conversation before tomorrow)
throughout the conversation, she sounded damn pissed even though i was talking with a very nice tone and i had a valid reason for not being able to take up her call at first. she seemed to be like scolding me at every moment.
bleh... now i wonder whether shes a nice teacher or not... (to be continued)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

lessons learnt from showtime

i was a rather inexperienced leader and made quite a few mistakes during the preparation of this 1st round for showtime.
i didnt have a solid plan as to what exactly we needed to complete by certain deadlines and Mr Koh scolded me for it. i didnt plan ahead early enough and met some problems, and Mr Koh scolded me for it as well.

ive also learnt that comments and ideas given by tutors and mentors are very valuable.
i still remember the time i doubted my GEC mentor, Mr Daniel Chew, when he told our group dat we didnt need to go too much into details and could just cock some stuff for the GEC proposal but it must sound or look reasonable. the rest of my group was like saying Mr Chew was talking rubbish. on dat day, we were having problems with the savings dat could be saved by using our step-it shoes coz it was too little to make it a viable plan. i decided to listen to Mr Chew and cock some figures up. he was right... in the end, we won the 1st runner-up coz our idea was the most creative and looked rather viable (coz of the possible savings)
den a few days ago, Mr Koh suggested dat we have a matrix effect on our props for our showtime performance. i thought it was unnecessary coz it didnt really have any meaning. the other group members felt that it was stupid and unneeded. however, on the day before the actual performance, we thought of having han ern point at the levitating objects and slur his speech. in the end, we got 26.5 out of 30 points and i think it was partly due to the matrix effect.
it seems dat the comments dat tutors or mentors give may seem stupid to us, but we should always keep ourselves open to such comments because these pple are not our mentors without reason.

i also felt dat i should try to control my temper even though group members cock up coz they didnt read the details of our performace dat i spent lots of hours typing out. i evaluated what had happened and felt dat i shouldnt have blown my top since it doesnt solve anything at all but makes matters worse by making the members more frustrated.

showtime has really been a valuable experience to me...

Friday, July 21, 2006


after only practising for 3 times yesterday, we went over to mediacorp today at 9:30am for the preshow rehearsals. the backstage area was damn cold lor... after the performance ended at 10+pm and we moved our props up, there were water droplets on our props lol. anyway back to the main story.

during the 1st full dress rehearsal, the producers (not the actual judges) gave us a 18.6 out of 30. they commented that our performace had a great improvement from the one we showed them on monday. but our score was the lowest at that time. i was sorta disappointed and afraid dat we would disgrace ourselves on tv with dat kinda low score for the actual thing.

during the 2nd full dress rehearsal, the producers gave us a 20.3 out of 30. i was a bit more relieved coz it was at least around a 66/100 but i hoped we could do better and do ourselves and the school proud.

as for the 3rd full dress rehearsal, i didnt get to see our score.

after dat, it was preparation time for the real thing. han ern, kangyu, wei yi, chee kian and i saw kym ng in the dressing room where a make-up artist was putting on the make up for her. guo liang was standing next to her talking on his hp. surprisingly, his english sounded rather proficient! anyway, kym ng talked to us and asked us stuff like why we joined the open category, etc

den at around 7+pm, it was time for han ern and kangyu to go for their make-up. when they came back, they looked damn funny! han ern looked like a dork (esp with glasses on) while kangyu looked like a 70's mafia boss... kangyu felt dat he was going for "MALU TIME!" instead of ShowTime lol.

anyway, when the show started, group 2 cocked up for their opening speech, followed by group 3. as a result, we had to repeat our opening speech 3 times -_-...
after dat, we had to run like the wind to get ready for our performance behind the stage.

during our performance, there was a bit of a cock up in the mirror part of the performance coz the black cloth fell off. luckily the judges didnt seem to notice lol.

after our performance, we stood together and received comments from the panel of 3 judges and they were praising us for our good performance =)
in the end we got 26.5 out of 30 pts!! woot! its not bad... considering we prepared like 90% of our performance in 3 days.

after our performance, when we were watching the others' performances via a tv in the backstage, kangyu told me the make-up artist literally dug into the hair gel with a comb, smacked the whole pile of gel onto his hair and combed his hair with the gel. i touched his hair and it really was rock hard...

when i was watching group 3's performance, i really admired them for their wonderful performance. u can say dat they beat us hands down and i feel dat they deserved to get a virtually perfect score of 29.1!

in the end our score was the 2nd highest dat day, with group 3 topping the charts with an imba 29.1, and our group can definitely say dat we have done ourselves and the school proud.

i think this past few days has really been like mission impossible... it seemed impossible but we managed to do it in the end =)

i think i gotta thank all the group members for their dedication and their time spent working on our showtime performance in the past few weeks, especially a group of people who stayed the longest every day and contributed the most and also the people who decided to help us out when we were having trouble in the last minutes of our preparation.

now i cant wait for the episode to be aired on channel 8 on 1 Aug 8pm ard 2 weeks later.

(post was made at 1am, Sat 22 Jul 2006)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

mission impossible day 3 of 3

the final day for our showtime preparations...

today, other den both mr koh and miss ng, some hod pple together with a female teacher appeared. one of them was the maths lecturer for integration lol

today, like yesterday, we were often stuck at the tv/mirror part of the performance in the beginning. when mr koh, arrived, we told him about the changes to our plot and he was a bit annoyed because we decided not to do some of the stuff he suggested and changed them to something dat was similar to our previous ideas.

den, mr koh wanted us to rehearse the finale part with the music he prepared yesterday. he felt dat we needed to practise on it since he made the music such dat it was perfectly timed and the finale of our performance had to be choreographed according to the finale music.

after 2 rehearsals, the female teacher (who i have nvr seen before) suggested dat we cover a part of the "blanket" with black cloth to make it look as if the "blanket" was in mid air. some of us made the blanket better while others made the final preparations for the props they were in charge of.

in the end, we managed to have 3 full rehearsals, make final preparations to our props and dat was it. we went home after dat. didnt know it was already so late when we left the InE hub- it was 10:15pm when i checked my hp.

haiz... dunno if we are really ready for tml... =(

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

mission impossible day 2 of 3

hmm there wasnt much progress today.

we tried to have a few rehearsals but we were always stuck at the tv part or the mirror part of the performance coz of cock-ups. then miss ng would start discussing how to do it better and stuff liddat with the others while i was kneeling down inside our "bed". i was like "wad the" lor... it was hot inside and i knelt till my knees and ankles hurt like a fk lor. -_-

in the end, we just did touch up on the props and some minor changes to the plot coz some stuff needed to be improved on while some others were quite difficult to do, eg the "separation" of the lead character's body.

meanwhile, wei yi and mr koh are making the music with mr koh's DJ friends. hope we can finish everything tml lol... only tml left before the showtime performance on friday...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

mission impossible day 1 of 3

the school's higher ups got wind dat we were having troubles with our showtime performance. as a result, Miss Ng came and told us about the situation. she added dat the school was gonna be giving us full financial support no matter how much we spend coz it was a matter of the school's reputation on stake. now dat's serious...

miss ng decided dat she was gonna buy cloth and wrap em around benches to make our bed and in the end it really looked like a real bed. she also managed to get han ern as our lead actor for the show... to the relieve of dawn. den she even bought dinner for us. hmmmm... looks like she isnt dat fierce and unapproachable as i thought. in fact i think shes quite nice and resourceful. =)

kangyu and i also tried out the levitation part using the cloth and it looked quite good... so i ended up with the role of acting as han ern's legs during the levitation.

our eyes met

today i ate from the cai fan store during our 20min break time. i arrived at the canteen late and barely managed to finish when the bell rang. den when i was walking towards the cai fan store to put my plate, i saw her walking towards the store to put her plate as well. i went to the other pail to put my plate. den when i turned around, i saw her and she saw me. our eyes met and i was stunned. she looked rather surprised as well. we stood there for like 1 or 2 sec and she walked away...

den we were late for chem makeup lesson (which was held after our break, during our originally free period) by abt 6mins and mrs kong closed the doors on chee kian, yan zhi, rui chao, gabriel and me right after jason and kangyu got in lol.

Monday, July 17, 2006

mission impossible starting tml...

another late night in sch doing showtime stuff... just reached home

in the end, we didnt manage to finish our props or start rehearsing before the mediacorp producers arrived. our presentation was a flop. the members didnt even know wad to do (probably coz they never bothered to read the plot details i sent them). the mediacorp pple commented dat our preparation is only about 10% done, the duration of our performance is too long and our standard cant even match the performances of the school category; not to mention the open category... they also felt that some details of our plot were not very good and suggested we make some changes to our plot.

as a result, there were very major changes in the plot today. we removed the wardrobe and are only left with the tv, mirror and bed.

i think this turn of events is for (both) the good and the bad. its good in a sense that the harsh reality of our current situation has sounded the alarm bells among the group members and they started to actively contribute ideas and solve problems regarding the props they are in charge of making instead of heavily depending on and asking me to tell them wad they have to do to make the props and the possible solutions for their problems.
however, the bad news is... we have yet to complete our props... EVEN UP TILL TODAY!!! we have tues (tml), wed, thurs left before the actual show on friday...
3 days to finish our plot details, props and timing, and START practising our performance till its perfect. mission impossible. its just like asking a musician to compose a music piece and to be able to play it perfectly for a concert within 3 days.

same sport for PE!

during PE, i checked the notice board and found out dat she was in the same sport for PE as me... lucky lol. i chose hockey last monday as my 1st choice, basketball as my 2nd, volleyball as the 3rd and touch rugby as 4th. it was coz i wanted to use PE time to train my hockey skills since ive missed 3 weeks of hockey training coz of showtime and i needed to make up for the lost time...
didnt know it was gonna be so zhun lol. =P

Sunday, July 16, 2006


wtf... i fell asleep beside my comp table while i was gonna send the agenda and final plan for showtime yesterday night at around 11 plus. just woke up... zzz

Saturday, July 15, 2006

omg!! showtime preshow gg

crap lol... its gg for the monday preshow, where the pple from mediacorp will come down and take a look at our performace; which is supposed to be near perfect -___-

we didnt manage to finish the props today, not to mention rehearse our performace. so now we only have amount of time dats between the time our lessons end and the time the mediacorp pple arrive (3:30pm). i wonder how we are gonna do it within less den 1 hour (my dismissal time is 2:50pm).
so now my plan is to have everyone in the group to get excuse from their teachers to pon civics and come help out with the props and rehearse starting from lunch time all the way till the mediacorp pple come. i really pray dat we can make it... if not the mediacorp pple are gonna be damn pissed.

Friday, July 14, 2006

tv almost complete!

just reached home... today is the 2nd latest day i reached home from sch (last thurs was the latest...near 12mn)

finally... our most complicated prop (its very complicated inside); the tv, is almost complete. we finally attached tv (top box) to the table (bottom box).

today there was the harmonica concert so melissa, yun shuen and yi chiew left at 6:20pm. then sharon, dawn and tessa left at around 7 plus. in the end, only zhong liang, ian and i were left.

we did the painting of the interior of the tv. after the black paint in the tv dried at around 9pm, zhong liang and i had to crawl into the tv in total darkness (coz the interior of the tv was totally black) and stick the reinforcements while ian helped us hold the tv and table together from the outside. not only dat, it was cramp and hot coz the space was very small, there wasnt much ventilation inside the boxes and we had to use light from zhong liang's phone, which made the phone emit a lot of heat. but den, we ran out of tape, so we had to stop after the joining 3 sides of the tv and table, and the person in charge of locking the gates hurried us to leave sch coz it was 10pm. so now the only thing left to do is to seal the last side, cut the gaps, attach the cloth and repainting over the masking tape we pasted.

luckily zhong liang has been helping us all this while though he didnt join showtime. if not i think we'd be in even deeper shit now. hope our group can really finish our props and start rehearsals tml coz we have fallen way way behind the schedule i set- we were supposed to finish making the props last saturday...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

distorted time...

it feels weird after rushing our showtime performance everyday for the past 2 weeks.

it feels like it has been a very long time since we thought of our latest performance idea of having a ghost in the house, as if it has been weeks or even a month ago.

but when i come to think of it carefully, its only been exactly one week since the shooting of our preparation and ah ben came for the interview. (we thought of the ghost in a house idea the day last wednesday)

maybe its coz i've been staying in sch till around 8pm everyday since last wednesday, doing a lot of prep stuff for showtime. so it feels like a lot of time has passed though only one week has passed. its just weird. lol.

during gp today, miss wan told us the results for our gp common test. i got a grade 5 while jason got a grade 3. during the lesson, wen yi, jason and i talked about how we "studied for english". jason said there was no need to study for english. i agreed and said all there was to it was to read storybooks. during the conversation, jason mentioned dat he reads a lot of books, magazines and newspapers. i was rather surprised coz he didnt look like the type to read books lol. come to think of it, i havent read a storybook since primary 6, the time when we were forced to read books by our teacher lol. hmm.. think i shld start reading from now...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

slit my wrist

just came home from making showtime props...

bleh... slit my wrist with my uber sharp penknife today while cutting cardboard. hmm made a discovery today. it seems dat if ur penknife is sharp, it makes a very clean cut so u feel only very little pain even though the penknife has cut through ur layer(s) of skin. luckily the slit was parallel to my wrist and it didnt cut my artery lol.

anyway, it seems im quite lucky these few days. i keep oversleeping coz i've been preparing showtime stuff till like around 2am everyday since last week. but everytime i oversleep or something, it just happens dat it rains (actually before/during my journey to school) and usually stops when i reach school. so there's no assembly whenever im supposed to be late woot.

now have to plan the agenda and deadlines from tml till fri next week...
hope our group can rush out our showtime performance in time lol.

Monday, July 10, 2006

more members

today 3 more ine members joined our showtime team: wei yi, sharon, justine.
its a good thing coz now we have more ideas people. ideas for the performance used to come mainly from me and melissa. now that we have 3 more people who have more ideas to share, im sure we're gonna make our performance even better.
so now our team consists of: me, wei yi, ian, sharon, melissa, yun shuen, yi chiew, debra, yun rui, dawn, justine and tessa.

today sharon, kangyu, yun rui n sharifah worked on the plan v4 that i made last night. they estimated dat 4 scenes: living room->toilet->bedroom->bedroom (changed view) would take more den 3 minutes so they suggested dat we make it shorter. the most important scene was the bedroom scene because we need it in order to present the grand finale where the main character disappears into thin air. the least important scene was the toilet scene since we had some problems with it so i suggested dat maybe we should take it out. but this meant the scene immediately after the living room scene would be the bedroom scene; we didnt have enough manpower to have people ready with all the props from the living room and bedroom at once. hence, we took the defining idea for that scene; the ghost hand coming out of the tv, and modified it to make it suitable for the bedroom scene. so in the end, we ended up with the bedroom scene and the final scene, with some plot details unfinished. we are gonna finish the plot details by tomorrow.

but too bad we couldnt finish making the props... hope we can finish by tml 6pm so dat we can start rehearsals in the hall dat mr koh booked from 6:40-9pm. only 6 days left before the preshow and 10 days before the actual performance. im sure we can make it a success!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

need more creativity...

rewatched the jap chao ji bian bian bian performances today.
i realised dat though our plot is relatively good, our creative points are not as good as those in the sch category performances... cant imagine it being better than the open category groups dat we will be up against...

the jap chao ji bian bian bian groups all used 3d props and no matter which angle u view from, the performance will still be as good. however, our grp's props is made such dat ONLY the audience directly in front and at the same level will see a relatively good performance while others will feel dat it sux. wads more, our effects dont have much creativity. they mainly involve covering stuff with our props in a 2d manner...

crap... we are gonna throw face on tv if we cant make it better... gotta start brainstorming now... zzz

Friday, July 07, 2006


we felt that we couldnt make it for the showtime preshow rehearsal next thursday so we asked mdm woon if she could ask mediacorp if we could change the date to like next saturday. mdm woon asked me to ask mr koh if he was free on next sat.

so i called mr koh but he didnt listen (he was probably resting coz he was sick). den after an hour, he called back. he was rather frustrated that we had to change the date coz we had been changing our idea for the 1st round a number of times, etc. he told me dat its like the "world revolves around our grp" and he said "u do realise dat its because u started late dat u have so much problems now".

well... i felt a bit unfair. it wasnt my plan to start late. i wanted to start like in april, right after we signed up for showtime. but at dat time there was only dawn and me. moreover, mr koh said it was gonna be an ine activity and ine members will join and help us. so i waited for the announcement of the people joining our grp.

however, the ine exco delayed the asking of ine members to join showtime until late may, just before the june holidays. ok... so we were delayed by 1.5 months. den i asked the ine exco abt the confirmed members in late may, before we went for the june holidays. there was no reply. i asked again in the 1st week of june (2nd week of june hols) and finally got a confirmed list of members at the end of the week.

so i arranged a meeting on the monday of the 3rd week of the june hols. we tried thinking of a good idea but we couldnt think of one. during the 3rd week of the june hols, we were all rather busy with things such as make-up lessons and we managed to have another meeting dat week during which we still couldnt come up with a good idea.

in the 4th week of the june hols, we had GEC, so monday and tuesday was gone. it would be unreasonable for me to ask for the showtime members to come out to meet and discuss showtime during the 4th week coz they needed to study for their common tests. meanwhile, i had fever the day after the GEC... for nearly 2 weeks.

the next time we met up was on the thursday after sch reopened- 29 june. only melissa, yun shuen, yi chiew and me turned up (i was still having a fever). we thought of the idea of presenting the jaw dropper (an attraction in Genting).

den i had make up common tests on the next day; friday 30 june and on the tuesday of the following week; 4 july. so the showtime members didnt meet up during this time. we started making the props for the jaw dropper idea on tuesday 4 june but kangyu suggested dat we make use of a scene from zhou xing chi's movie "shanghai 1987" where there was a gambler with powers to see through the walls of the dice jar. he was able to see the numbers on the dice in the jar and hence he kept winning money coz he knew when it was "da" (big) and when it was "xiao" (small). den, the banker was changed. he shook the 3 die in the jar such dat one dice was totally covered by the other 2 die. we wanted to use this dice idea instead of the jaw dropper idea so we started developing on the idea. we thought of how we could let the audience "see inside the magnified jar" and how we were going to have the die move around in the "jar". when we were almost finished, we called mediacorp and told them the change in idea but they said we couldnt have any gambling theme or devices according to the media development authority. so we decided to change the gambler into a boy who told his mother he had psychic powers, the banker into the boy's mother, and worse of all we had to change the 3 die into something as pathetic as 3 beans.

coz of the change in props and story, we felt the dice idea had became rather obit and had no meaning at all on wednesday 5 june (one day before the showtime shooting of our preparation). so we were stuck again... den melissa remembered the ghost in a house idea we thought of and i started giving ideas on how to develop the story, inject creativity and innovation to the plot and the props. den we started making the props till quite late (9pm) dat day.

den we had to stay in sch to do the showtime shooting of our preparation on thursday 6 june till 10pm and we stayed in sch to do the props until 7pm today. though we were given so little time coz of the delay in the ine exco getting members, we are all trying our best and giving our utmost effort already, such as thinking up of a good idea and making a few props within a day, and staying back till late night every day. however, i think mr koh seems to be having the impression dat we are lazy and only think of stuff at the last minute. its so sad...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

showtime prep shoot

just returned from the shooting of the channel 8 showtime portion where they filmed our props making process and interviewed our team. been having a headache since afternoon and now my temp has risen to 37.1 degrees...think im gonna get a fever soon due to exhaustion...

today, i got back my physics common test. i got 44.5 marks- not bad la... considering i never did tutorials, never studied during the june holidays and only studied 7hours the night before, starting from 7pm to 2am. our class also did rather badly for physics- so badly dat i think that we are the last in the level. we have 1 person getting D, 2 people getting E and 20 people with S and F. haiz... too bad i screwed up on that day. my mind went blank probably coz of information overload (studied physics 7hours, den maths 7hours- never slept dat night) and i forgot how to do the 8marks kinematics question which was about the parabolic movement of a soccer ball. i was the most confident for the topic on kinematics but yet i wasted that question... but i can say im rather proud of my section c- got 13/20= 65%. but den, coz i was sick on the actual day of the test and i took the makeup test 2days later, the marks from dis physics test will not be counted towards the final grade in my promo exams. this may be a good thing coz i failed this time round but it also means i really have to buck up and do exceptionally well for my physics promos...

den i also did my gp makeup test for comprehension today. i'd say it was easy compared to the excercises we normally do during lessons and im confident of getting around 20-30/40 for this paper. i was so happy... but after i finished the paper and went for lunch, jason told me dat our gp teacher miss wan said dat the marks from the gp makeup tests i take wont be counted zzz... so wasted lor... if i get good marks for my gp this time round and its not counted, den i think i'll feel like banging the wall -_-

after sch we had to start doing the props, think of a group name and group cheer for the showitme filming session in the evening at 7:30pm. we went to get cardboard and materials and by the time we returned to the ine hub, it was around 5:30pm. den we tried to think of a group name. yi chiew mentioned the word "zhi1" and all of a sudden i thought of the word "zhi1 ma2", which meant sesame. den i remember sesame street and felt that the word was rather interesting. den our group decided to use "zhi1 ma2" but i felt that it was a bit weird to only have "zhi1 ma2" so i asked everyone to try to think of wad we can add to the back of "zhi1 ma2". after 5mins, debra thought of adding a "hu2" and jokingly said "zhi1 ma2 hu2". at that time i felt it was very good and everyone agreed- hence our grp name was "zhi1 ma2 hu2".

after thinking of the grp name, it was around 6pm. now we had the problem of thinking up a cheer. i thought of this rather lousy cheer: "zhi1 ma2 hei1, zhi1 ma2 bai2, zhi1 ma2 kai1 men2 ke4 ren2 lai2". we tried thinking of a better one for 15mins and melissa suddenly remembered her secondary sch class cheer. she modified for our "zhi1 ma2 hei1, zhi1 ma2 bai2" thingy and thought of "zhi1 ma2 hei1... hey hey heyhey!" next i thought of the 2nd verse: "zhi1 ma2 bai2... bai bai baibai". den melissa thought of the 3rd verse: "zhi1 ma2 hei1bai2... hui hui huihui" and it had a hidden meaning- our uniform was grey lol. finally i thought of the final verse: wo3 men2 shi4... zhi1 ma2 hu2!"

we felt the cheer was not bad, so i called up jia hui from mediacorp channel 8 at around 6:30pm and told her about our new development. she told us that our team name and cheer needed to have a meaning behind each of them, eg themes with teamwork, winning spirit, creativity, etc. but our problem was we just randomly thought of a word that was quite catchy and a cheer for the sake of having a cheer... at dat time we faced a big problem. den suddenly i tot of some cock and just cocked. i said we decided on "zhi1 ma2 hu2" coz zhi1 ma2 are usually scattered but zhi1 ma2 hu2 is a paste where the sesame seeds stuck together... so it symbolises our team spirit of togetherness lol. it worked but i couldnt come up with more cock reasons for our cheer and told her dat we would call back later if we thought of a reason but we just couldnt find a reason zzz.

we continued with our props until the filming crew arrived. before they started filming, the producers wanted us to sign a contract which stated dat we couldnt back out once they start filming and we must be permanent members and participate in showtime no matter wad. crap lol... i originally wanted to quit coz i felt i was gonna flunk my common test (on last friday after i took them) coz i had troubles doing most of the maths and physics questions. but i decided to stay on and continue participating in showtime coz i felt it was my responsibility to at least finish wad i started out to do and i thought i only needed to work hard for showtime only for 2 more weeks till 21jul becoz mdm woon told me dat i could quit after the first round since we would be able to have time to find replacements for me... but now, i think there goes my promo exams... i was planning to study everyday after sch but now it seems rather impossible coz i'll be very busy with showtime all the way from now till october.
halfway through the filming, ah ben asked dawn about the previous team name dat we thought of (but was rejected by the producers). so dawn told it to him...and guess wad... it was "ni3 ma1 de peng2 you3". den he asked how did we come up with dat name and dawn cocked and said it was coz my mother's friend came to my house when we were trying to think of a group name. den ah ben asked me to go over he asked some stuff and asked me to say wad it would be like if the "ni3" was changed to "ta1". at first i didnt dare say it coz dis was gonna be on national tv and we were in our national jc uniform. but he was persistent and prompted me and so i said "ta1 ma1 de peng2 you3". he joked around with us and den he asked each one of us who was gonna be the ghost. everybody said that they werent acting as the ghost and den he walked towards me and ian. he asked us to "ban4 gui3 nian3" which was to make funny faces. den he said i looked like the ghost so i must be the one acting as the ghost lol.

after the interview from ah ben ended, it was time for us to do the group cheer thingy. we presented our cheer to the producers but they said it had no meaning and didnt accept it. den suddenly an idea struck me. i was thinking of something to do with the creativity theme they wanted and i thought dat maybe we could change the 3rd verse into "hei1 bai2 hei1 bai2 bian4 cheng2 hui1", linked it to changing colours and linked that to creativity (in changing colours). so i replaced the 4th verse with "bian4 hua4 duo1 duan1 wo3 zhui4 xing2". at this time the producers still wanted us to have an ending which emphasized our desire to win. so i thought of "sheng4 li4 shu3 yu2 zhi1 ma2 hu2" and added it as the 5th and last verse. at this time, the producers felt that the last verse was a bit lo suo and yun shuen (or was it yi chiew? i forgot) suggested dat we change the last verse into "zhi1 ma2 hu2...... sheng4 li4!!!". so we finally came up with the final cheer...yippee lol. we had to practice the cheer a bit and during the practice, we came up with some actions. meanwhile ah ben tried to use the ine comp to go on the internet but i think the operation manager switched off the wireless connection... so ah ben couldnt connect to the internet.

next up was the filming of our cheer. it was around 9:50pm. the producer asked us to sit around a bench (with table) with me sitting on the table. we had a few ngs for the 1st 2 verses and the sch was gonna close (sch usually closes at 10pm). so the producer said dat they shld shoot us saying one verse, cut and shoot us saying the next verse and so on.

when it was finally over it was past 10pm... around 10:10pm and we finally got to go home. man the entire process was rather tiring lol... i really admire the artises who have to act, have ngs and many retakes.

den i ate my box dinner at the bus stop. after waiting till around 10:40pm, a 961 bus finally came. i immediately flagged at the bus and den started to close the styrofoam box (with my dinner in it). den the bus just went past... and i was rather pissed. had to wait around another 30mins or so for the next 961 to arrive zzz.

now we have 2 days to finish making our props, 3 days to rehearse before the preshow practice performance, and 2 weeks to rehearse before the actual show... man... things are really gonna be hectic from now on...gg

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

physics common test- grade SUPER!

just arrived home after spending an entire afternoon making props for showtime so dat we can have some props to present in tml's filming session.

our class got back our maths common test papers today. our class had... 1 person getting B, 2 people getting D, 6 people getting S (SUPER! lol...its subpass=fail) and 14 people getting F. i can bet dat our class surely is the worse in the level and all of us really flunked very badly together. i got 44 marks... one mark to E (pass) but i think S looks better den E lol. with this mark, i think i should be around the 4th-6th position in class... wow lol lmfao. hmmm i expected my grade to be worse coz i studied maths the night before (actually morning...) the common test from 2am to 9am (maths common test started at 9am). when i was studying, i totally forgot wad "sequence and summation" and "APGP" questions looked like and i studied those 2 chapters for 2 hours until i wanna cry...
anyway, wads done is done. now its time to look ahead and start bucking up.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

totally worn out...

just reached home after my showtime meeting. right now, its my biological 12nn...

i didnt sleep 2 nights before tonight and slept at 7am yesterday...
woke up at 3pm and thought of more ideas for our upcoming channel 8 Showtime performance. played Naruto arena till 9pm and did a bit of the proposal for our idea of presenting the Jaw Dropper (the one from Genting) for showtime.
started studying at 12am. finished studying chemical bonding and periodicity during the 40minute bus journey to school.

today's 7am = my biological 10pm coz i slept at 7am yesterday...

took the chem test at 9am and felt it was the easiest common test paper among physics, maths and chem though i didnt have enuff time to complete the paper 2 and to do 3 of the 20 questions for paper 1. chem test finished at 11:08am (my biological 2:08am)

then i had Showtime meeting at 3pm (my biological 6am)
during the meeting, we thought of a new idea and abandoned the Jaw Dropper idea.
the story: a child had psychic powers and could see thru the walls of containers. so his mother tested him using a cup and 3 dice. he could see what the dice were everytime his mother tried. then his mother's friend shook the cup so that one dice piled on another and a third dice was in front of the bottom dice. he couldnt see wad the last dice was and guessed wrongly.
the performance: have 3 pple acting as the child, the mother and the friend at a corner of the stage. a magnified cup with 3 die inside. when the child is using his psychic see-through powers a part of the cup will be somewhat removed/sliced off and the audience will be able to see the movement of the 3 die inside, as if they all gained psychic powers.
the whole team was rather excited at this idea but was disappointed when we called the tcs pple and they said we couldnt have any themes of gambling or usage of any gambling tools coz the media development authority said so -__-
so we thought of alternatives for the die, like beans and triangular die with pictures of aniamls -__- bleh...
gonna call media development authority tml and ask if they will approve our idea.. so mah fan... had to prepare wad to say until 8pm (my biological 11am)

we also thought of a funky group name for our team: ni ma de peng you. its supposed to be a bit similar to ta ma de to grab the viewers' attention, make them laugh and make them remember our grp. when melissa 1st suggested it, we all laughed. den when we told mdm woon (the teacher in charge of our showtime grp) she also had a hard time trying to stop laughing. but den the name was rejected by the tcs pple coz they said it was too similar to ta ma de and they couldnt have us saying: "qing da jia zhi ci ni ma de peng you!!!" on national tv to emphasize the need for the viewers to vote for us. oh crap gotta think of a new team name now... =(

den i received an relay msg sms at 7pm... our new tutor said she wanted us to study all the definitions for the chemical energetics (I) chapter, do a quiz on that during tml's lesson, finish the chemical energetics (I) tutorial AND answer to her if we cant do the quiz... wdf lor... i havent slept for one day and have been stressing my brain for the past 24hours. now my eyes feel like they are burning, as if they are gonna pop out and im starting to have a headache. gonna heck, bathe and sleep now... or else i think im gonna faint or start hallucinating due to extreme exhaustion. wad a sad day today is...

and i got damn pissed at the replies from the HobbyHype forum, http://forums.hobbyhype.com/showthread.php?t=4188
fuck that Asteroth and [soundwave]. they think they are so great and are so hostile and sarcastic. especially that [soundwave]. he doesnt think before he posts.
i made the suggestion for a increase in size of sig coz i felt the increase was only like 10-20kb and wouldnt cause much of a problem. and it can benefit others who want bigger sigs as well...
he said my suggestion doesnt benefit the community. how does he know if others dont feel the same way? does he mean i have to ask everyone what they want and then post suggestions? dats bullshit. hes a fucking cheebye who shoots down other people's suggestions acting like he's always correct.

chemical bonding 1-3 in 5 hours

crap... spent another 3 hours on chemical bonding 2 n 3. now i dont think i have enough time to finish studying everything... chem common test in abt 3hours and 4 topics left: gases, electronic configuration, periodicity and energetics. gg lol XD

studying for chem common test

crap lol... just started at 1am... was supposed to start long ago... WAY WAY long ago. anyway, i just finished one chapter (chemical bonding)... 5 more to go!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

naruto arena addiction

played naruto-arena after i woke up till now. managed to get an account to rank 511 Jounin (3rd highest status) and another one to rank 1225 Special Jounin (4th highest status). ok... i really need to start studying soon... only 1 day left...

OMG! addicted to naruto arena

lol looks like im addicted. been playing non-stop from just now. only realised the time now. crap lol... still need to study chem later. now im gonna go sleep.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Naruto Arena

alvin just gave me a link to a naruto-based game website. its a turn-based strategy game, sorta like a tcg- with characters and chakara (the energy u need for moves).
it seems rather interesting lol. think im gonna try playing this tonite and start studying for my chem ct tml.

SYF 2006 Opening

haiz... why did my mc have to end yesterday. should end today den i can pon the SYF 2006 opening.
i was late today. when i was walking towards the row of bungalows, the bus with my classmates passed by me. i called rui chao and he told me dat there was a bus waiting for me in sch. so i pia from there all the way past rgps and into njc (in full grey uniform).
the SYF opening was held in the National Stadium (the outdoor one). when we reached there we saw students from other schs and the free food and mineral water they received. at dat time, i thought dat njc's welfare for students is rather bad. they never even gave us a bottle of mineral water. den we saw a carton of mineral water bottles lying around and we couped from there coz we were very thirsty.
when we entered the stadium at 3pm, it was so crappy hot. i felt dat its rather dumb to have an event in the middle of the scorching afternoon sun zzz... den all the boys from 06S13 (chee kian, kangyu, jason, rui chao, yan zhi, gabriel and i) went out of the stadium to buy ice cream and slack around.
at about 6:30pm we tried to leave. but only rui chao, yan zhi and i made it out. the rest wasted too much time being lazy and were caught. yan zhi went back while Rui Chao and i went to buy drinks. den we went back as well.
the whole thing ended at 7pm. we walked out of the east entrance, around the stadium to the west entrance and followed the crowd. when we were on the big bridge, we saw the neon lights of suntec city so we decided to walk there since we didnt know the way to kallang mrt and walking to suntec was the safest bet. we walked across the whole freaking nicole highway and halfway through i had a stomachache -_- (at abt 7:40pm)
when we finally reached suntec city it was 8:30pm. i found a toilet beside the KFC and i had a very bad diaorhea. luckily my ******* was strong enough to hold everything inside for an hour and i didnt stain my pants.
jason, kangyu and rui chao left while chee kian, lester, yan zhi, gabriel and i ate at KFC.